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Parent and Carer Reviews
From our Daynurseries.co.uk reviews, find out what our parents have to say about their time at our Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery and Preschool in Wokingham.
Hear what our parents and carers have to say about our Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery and Preschool in Wokingham with a selection of reviews from Daynurseries.co.uk.
A Day In Our Nursery
What's Been Happening At Our Nursery
Our Fruit and Vegetable Water tray and Independence 🥒🥝🍉🍋.
For this morning’s activity we were using our senses to explore different fruits and vegetables. The children got the opportunity to use their fine and gross motor skills to cut them as well as tasting them. Once we chopped these, we put them into our water tray and continued exploring the feeling and smells of the different fruits and vegetables and spoke about healthy eating.
#healthyeating #fruit #vegetables #messyactivity #sensory #independence #development #special #ChildCare #wokinghamresidents #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #staff #earlyyearslearning #homeawayfromhome #monkeypuzzlewokingham #wokinghammums #EarlyYears #wokinghamtown #wokingham #nurserypractitioner #healthy

Today we carried out an extra special Christmas activity. We made reindeer food ready for Christmas Eve 🎄 We got some cellophane and placed some oats and sparkles of our choice within it. We then wrapped it all up and chose some shiny ribbon to tie it all together. We have added the special song for Christmas Eve to say when we sprinkle this out for Santa`s reindeers 🦌 #development #EarlyYears #wokinghamtown #special #wokinghamresidents #nurserypractitioner #staff #processoverproduct #homeawayfromhome #wokingham #monkeypuzzlewokingham #earlyyearslearning #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #ChildCare #specialpeople #wokinghammums #christmas #physicaldevelopment #messyplay #ribbon

Festive Christmas fun has arrived here at Monkey Puzzle wokingham 🎄⛄🎅🏼🎁. The children have been exploring their own christmas tree`s in their rooms and have been decorating them independently. The children have loved to chose which bauble they could put on and where it goes, we have also been hearing about their christmas tree`s at home. 23 sleeps!
#earlyyearslearning #monkeypuzzlewokingham #wokinghamtown #development #nurserypractitioner #wokinghammums #ChildCare #wokinghamresidents #EarlyYears #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #homeawayfromhome #staff #wokingham #processoverproduct #specialpeople #special #christmas #treedecorating #lights #bauble

The Children have been working on their fine motor skills and had a save the bugs from the sticky web, however we had to try and use the tweezer s to extend the children`s development. The children showed good control in using the tweezers to try and free the bugs independently.
#ChildCare #development #earlyyearslearning #EarlyYears #wokinghamresidents #messyplay #physicaldevelopment #nurserypractitioner #homeawayfromhome #wokingham #wokinghamtown #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #wokinghammums #monkeypuzzlewokingham #staff

World Diabetes Day! 💉💉
The children have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods in support of world diabetes day, we have been talking about what helps to keep our bodies big and strong, and what happens if we eat too much unhealthy food. We also created a blue cornflour tuff tray to create our own interpretation of the ribbon. The children have been telling staff "sometimes we get poorly too" #WorldDiabetesDay #unhealthy #healthy #cornflour #messyplay #ribbon #wokinghamresidents #homeawayfromhome #EarlyYears #processoverproduct #wokingham #development #earlyyearslearning #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #nurserypractitioner #physicaldevelopment #wokinghamtown #ChildCare

World Kindness Day 👭👬
Here at monkey puzzle we have been talking to the children about kindness and celebrating special people and our friends. Our older children today have been practising their threading skills and have created their own friendship bracelets for someone special to them. Our younger babies have been using the mirrors to look at their faces, emotions and create their own faces in our playdough. We teach children about kindness, and how everyone is unique and special.
#kindnessday #unique #friends #friendship #special #specialpeople #threading #emotions #mirrors #processoverproduct #wokingham #wokinghamresidents #EarlyYears #physicaldevelopment #development #earlyyearslearning #homeawayfromhome #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #wokinghamtown #nurserypractitioner #wokinghammums #BirthToFive #monkeypuzzlewokingham

Rememberance Day 🌺🌺🌺
The children at the setting have been creating their own interpretation of Poppies for Rememberance Day. We gave the children examples, and as we focus on process over product and we focus on what the children have learnt during the process. We created playdough of both colours so children could create a poppy using this also. Fab job guys!
#monkeypuzzlewokingham #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #wokinghammums #wokinghamresidents #wokinghamtown #nurserypractitioner #poppies #rememembrancesunday #11thnovember #solider #physicaldevelopment #remembranceday #EarlyYears #wokingham #earlyyearslearning #homeawayfromhome #ChildCare #development #BirthToFive #processoverproduct #dedicatedstaff #eyfsactivities

Remembrance Walk in Wokingham 🌺🌺🌺
Our Babies and Tweenies went for a lovely autumn remembrance walk into Wokingham town centre. The children loved pointing out the cars, buses and even saw a police car! The children looked at the posters, the letter boxes all decorated, the solider and the poppies. Whilst on our way back to the Nursery, the children spotted Peter Rabbit and friends outside the shops, and went over to say hello!
#autumnwalk #remembranceday #rememembrancesunday #11thnovember #poppies #solider #community #monkeypuzzlewokingham #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #wokinghammums #wokinghamresidents #wokinghamtown #nurserypractitioner #communicationandlanguage #physicaldevelopment #vechiles

Tiny Talks British sign language. We have been so lucky to welcome Michelle our lovely British Sign Language teacher who has been doing classes with our Babies and Tweenies on a Monday and has began to teach them some sign language. The children have enjoyed learning some new sign language, by joining in with songs and stories. We cannot wait to learn more! ✋🏻👌🏽
#tinytalk #britishsignlanguage #bsl #songtime #stories #wokingham #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #development #monkeypuzzlewokingham #BirthToFive #communicationandlanguage #wokinghammums #wokinghamresidents #wokinghamtown #wokingham #ChildCare #EarlyYears #homeawayfromhome #earlyyearslearning #staff #nurserypractitioner #dedicatedstaff

Remember, Remember the 5th of November! 🎆🎇
The children have been creating their own firework pictures for Guy Fawks! The children have explored a variety of colours, and materials to create their own interpretations of how a firework looks. We have also been speaking to our older children about safety during fireworks, and how we need to be super careful. The children have been growing on their vocabulary by copying phrases such as "bang" "pop" "whoosh" to the noises fireworks make.
#5thnovember #firework #fireworksdisplay #safety #guyfawks #wokingham #wokinghammums #wokinghamresidents #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #monkeypuzzlewokingham #development #earlyyearslearning #homeawayfromhome #messyplay #EarlyYears #ChildCare #communicationandlanguage #processoverproduct #wokinghamtown #BirthToFive #eyfsactivities

Remember, Remember the 5th of November! 🎆🎇
The children have been creating their own firework pictures for Guy Fawks! The children have explored a variety of colours, and materials to create their own interpretations of how a firework looks. We have also been speaking to our older children about safety during fireworks, and how we need to be super careful. The children have been growing on their vocabulary by copying phrases such as "bang" "pop" "whoosh" to the noises fireworks make.
#5thnovember #firework #fireworksdisplay #safety #guyfawks #wokingham #wokinghammums #wokinghamresidents #monkeypuzzledaynurseries #monkeypuzzlewokingham #development #earlyyearslearning #homeawayfromhome #messyplay #EarlyYears #ChildCare #communicationandlanguage #processoverproduct #wokinghamtown #BirthToFive #eyfsactivities

Jellyfish Day!! 🐟🐟🐟
The children have enjoyed exploring our beach tuff tray, inspired by Jellyfish Day! We had sand, blue cornflour glue for the sea and different ocean creatures. They explored the different textures and made marks in the cornflour and sand using their hands and especially was interested in the sticky cornflour! 🪼
They then created their own jellyfish. They used the lollipop stick to spread the glue onto the paper plate and stuck colourful tissue on it to be its tentacles!
#jellyfishday #jellyfish #creative #processoverproduct #ChildCare #staff #dedicatedstaff #earlyyearslearning #monkeypuzzlenursery #development #nurserypractitioner #homeawayfromhome #BirthToFive #communicationandlanguage #EarlyYears #messyplay #eyfsactivities #wokinghamtown #socialskills #secure #sensory #friendships #babies #gluing #sticking #aboveandbeyond #childled

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Our amazing, highly qualified and creative nursery team support and care for your little learner as they play, develop and grow.
How To Find Monkey Puzzle Wokingham
Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Wokingham, is proudly located in the heart of Wokingham in the RG40 postal sector and is just a seven-minute walk from Wokingham Train station and a short drive from both the A329 and the M4. We're on Rectory Road, opposite Waitrose car park.
Opening times: 7:30am to 6:30pm
Monday to Friday for 51 weeks per year, (closed for the week between
Christmas and New Year)